Wednesday, December 1, 2010


i feel super bad about not posting every day. too much school work, and if i'm not at school or doing homework, i'm at work until close. i come home after closing, and pretty much fall into bed and i'm immediately asleep. i don't even have the time to think about my blog. i do however i have some time right now to make a quick blog post before i start writing my last film essay. i hope you like it!

so i basically live in my tights and my leggings. i don't wear denim a whole lot, i don't even have that many pairs. i just find that a pair of black leggings or tights complete an outfit more than any pair of jeans ever could, and they don't leave me broke. i have one pair of tights that i swear by and those are my Mondor dance tights.

(screencap from Mondor website)

i used to work at a dance store in my hometown for two years so i knew quite a bit about tights in general. i knew about stirrup, footed, footless, convertible tights quite well. i've had my pair of black Mondor 310s for over 4 years now and they have never given me a hard time. i wear them for days, even weeks without washing them or skipping a day without wearing them. they keep me warm when it's snowing here and they are comfortable enough to wear in the spring and summer as well! they don't even have any runs or holes in them (other than a huge hole in the bottom of the right foot, which i purposely made by myself with a pair of scissors when i was in india. i was at a store and i wanted to try a pair of sandals on but i didn't want to take off my tights so i just cut the hole and tried them on!).

overall, they're pretty much the best tights in the entire world. visit the Mondor website. they have more than just dance wear :)


Saturday, November 27, 2010

h&m sale haul***

so i woke up this morning, totally excited to post again. it was the same feeling i got when i used to read the gossip girl books. i was always so excited at night when my parents told me to go to bed because that was when i would get to read the books. i would think about it all day, and reading the next chapter always made my day complete. i think my blog will be the same way, which i am very excited about^^

yesterday i headed out to work an hour early and decided to shop around a bit. i work in the mall and in order to get to my particular store of employment i have to pass through a bunch of other stores, one being my favourite: h&m. i love h&m, it's definitely one of my top ten favourite stores to shop in. i usually just pass through the sale section because 1) it isn't very big and 2) i nearly get killed every single time i DO try to venture into the masses surrounding it. in the end, the sale section just does not work out for me. ever. however yesterday it was actually ... like, ok. not too, too many people and i was able to pick up a few items and take them back to the fitting rooms.

i ended up liking pretty much every piece i had! i really have been trying to watch my spending habits lately so i sat myself down in an empty corner in the children's section and just stared at the clothes i had in my hands. i ended up going with three pieces (i'll probably end up going back soon and purchasing the stuff i left behind, if they're still there). here are the items i chose, all on sale :D

1. super cute dress. could be born formal or casually. i've always liked this dress, even a long time ago when it first came out. i remember liking it from the start. it was originally $49.95 CAN and i got it for $15 CAN!

2. lace coverup. can be born undone or tied at the waist. it can really go with anything, probably even denim. i got it for $20 CAN.

3. black maxi dress. I LOVE THIS ONE. i wore it to work today and everyone else seemed to like it just as much. funny thing is it wasn't my intention to even try it on. i ran into a coworker and she was the one who told me i could pull it off so i tried it on, and i'm so happy that i did! it was originally 59.95 AND I GOT IT 50% OFF! i remember saying not too long ago that i hated any maxi-length dress. i take it ALL back now ;)

overall, very happy with my purchases from ye ol' h&m. i can aways trust them to make me feel good.


Friday, November 26, 2010


oh i am so very excited to post today! i actually cannot even believe that i remembered to do it. while i was on my hour and a half commute home from school last night, i was beginning to think that i would fail at blogging once again. i would forget to post today and the next day, and after a week, i would just abandon it altogether. but no! never! i am much too dedicated to do that! PLUS, i could be sleeping right now, another sweet two hours of sleep before i should be waking up to get ready for work but instead i am sitting on the toilet, writing my blog :)

so just the other day, i believe it was on monday that i was downtown and broke (as always!), but i felt like buying something (tell me if you know the feeling!) so i went inside of the ardene on yonge street, THE HUGE ASS ONE (i know, i'm pretty much a twelve year old stuck in a twenty year olds body, shuddup!). i went with the cheapest deal there that i could find: 5 for $10. i decided on 1 pair of knee high black socks for the winter to go over my already thick dance tights, a pink headband for those girly days, and some plain hair clips to keep my baby hairs from flying all over the freaking place. i only needed two more items and then i would be cashing out with FIVE ITEMS FOR $10!. only, i couldn't decide on what to pick. i thought about just getting more hair clips, you can never have enough black hair clips. that's when i came across these little beauties:

of course, right off the bat, they do not look like little beauties. at first they sort of look like things you use to torture people with. no, OH NO! they do so much more then that! THEY ARE AMAZING! they are long pieces of material with, get this, A WIRE INSIDE OF THEM. so you can tie them around your head, anywhere you want, however you want, and they'll stay right in place for you :)

BEFORE (boring, sad, tired looking bun)

AFTER (fab, pretty, girly looking bun!)

i know, right? they're great. i pretty much wear them every day now. i can't wait to get more. is ardene the only place you can get these things? i don't even know what they're called! i'm calling them ... BOWBANDS! bowbands, because whenever i wear them, i tie a cute little bow in the front, you know, because i'm cute like that tee hee :)


ps. PLEASE IGNORE THE SAD LOOKING FACES IN THOSE PICTURES. it is currently 9:23am, so i'm a little tired, just a little. please don't judge meeeeee!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


is anyone there? oh, hey, sorry. i didn't realize that you were still around. you know, because its been about five months since i last posted anything on here. i pretty much fail at this whole blogging thing, don't it? i wish i didn't though. i wish i didn't suck at it so much. i really wanted it to work out for me this time. you know, after i changed the layout and everything. but i guess the appearance of my blog doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that i'm a lazy ass who doesn't know how to stick with something once she's started it. should i even try to start this thing up again?

i'm thinking i should, but my only reason being that i miss talking about fashion. i am currently working in retail, which is bringing my love of fashion back to life once again. seeing what my co-workers are wearing, seeing what the customers are wearing, being around so many beautiful brings a tear to my eye just thinking about how incredibly BROKE i am at the moment and how much i want to buy absolutely EVERYTHING i work around. but i don't like to talk about money in relation to fashion. it just depresses me. what i enjoy to focus on in those situations is if i love the piece, i buy it. that's why i love fashion. i love fashion too much to not spend hundreds on it :) but this is also the reason why i'm BROKE all of the time! no more, no more of this talk. BLAH!

so i'm currently in class right now, so this is sort of a bad thing, restarting this blog right now. it will probably be filled with spelling mistakes and terrible phrasing, but oh well! who cares! fashion!

i will post again asap (only one more week left of the semester, week off, finals, BREAK).

xoxo ^^

ps. my obsession and inspiration in life (other than my parents!): susie bubble of style bubble. she has been my idol in terms of fashion since ... i can't even remember. maybe 2006 or 2007? i'm not sure. anyway, enjoy this adorable picture of her in her element: BLOGGING.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

clothing haul: jun 22/10

it was raining cats and dogs this afternoon so my family decided why not go to the mall seeing as everyone was home. i made purchases at four main stores: american eagle, ardene, bluenotes and stitches. my dad helped me out with my purchase at ae but i bought everything else on my own. i'm trying to save money this summer for the fall so i was being as money conscious as i possibly could today and with positive results :D

for a very long time now i've wanted to get a small purse for just money and maybe a tiny lipgloss for when i go out with friends to lunch or for walking around with. something cute with a long strap that i could swing across myself. luckily today at ardene they were having a 2 for $20 sale on all of their handbags. i bought these two lovelies and am completely in love with them!

i recently saw a friend of mine wearing a really cute, simple white bikini with flowers on it and thought, that is so cute! nothing crazy or complicated. just a white bikini with a simple flower print for a little something extra. since then i've been keeping my eye out for something similar because i've never really owned a swimsuit that i was head over heels in love with ... UNTIL NOW! i found pretty much the exact same bikini at bluenotes today for around $14 tax included! i am so happy with this purchase and cannot wait until i can show it off at the beach this summer!

i don't usually shop at american eagle because we didn't have one in town until recently. now that there is one so close, i feel the need to pop in their every so often to check out what they've got. i wasn't planning on buying anything today but by surprise i found this amazing jacket hidden in the sale rack. it was on sale for 20% off of the already marked down price! my dad bought me this, which i am very grateful for :)

my last purchase was from stitches. i don't remember the last time i bought something from stitches to be completely honest. i used to be in love with it when i was a lot younger, like ... grade 9? something like that. today however i found this lovely dress for around $17. they were having a sale which was something like buy one get another for a penny. i got this dress and my sister picked something up as well.

overall, today was an amazing clothing haul. i haven't done any serious shopping in a very long time. i won't be going again for a long time. i think i'm fine with that though ;)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

pretty pictures.

i've been looking at a lot of blogs recently that only display pictures and i'm quite fond of them. sometimes i don't feel like reading a bunch of words and just want to be visually appealed.

today i've decided to copy some of the greats and simply post some pretty pictures that i've had saved in my pictures folder for some time and that i think deserve to be shared with all of you. enjoy it my lovelies and i will see you next time ;)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"a new way of style"

sooooooo long time no see. miss me? yes or no? of course no! no one reads this. who cares though? NOT ME. let's go!

so i've always loved shopping online but not actually buying the stuff. you know what i mean? like you feel like buying new clothes and you're bored but you have no money so you just go onto your favourite clothing store's website, look through some things, find some really nice things that you really like and would like to "buy" and drop them into your little shopping cart, having no intention of buying the items for real.

my favourite online store at the moment is my gawd this place is like a heaven on earth for people like me, and by people i mean obsessed with asian fashion and cutsie shit like that. this website ships clothes from around the world to you, mainly from asia though. south korea, hong kong, china, taiwan, you know! lots of my favourites like oversized hoodies with cute characters on them and shoesssss. what's great about this website for me is that i love oversized clothes and luckily enough, current asian style is basically all oversized! this means that all of the stuff that i'm interested in and want to "buy" is almost always one size fits all ahahahahaha so i never have to worry about sizes when picking stuff out! my fat ass will fit into everythingggg! muahahahahhahaha! i know, it's really not that funny, but i think it is so shush!

here are some of my absolute favs which are currently in my cart where they will gather dust but will forever remain beautiful.

everything is relatively cheap on the website and if you spend a certain amount of money on all your items, you get free shipping which helps A LOT... maybe i might just consider buying these things. i do have the money ... nah, i'm too cheap for online shopping. plus i don't have a credit card and in order to buy these things i would have to use my dad's which would never ever happen.

nice talking to you all again. to be continued? (i'm currently reading looking for alaska, you know the one!) xoxo

Monday, March 29, 2010

giles spring 2010 triceratops handbag.

now i saw this bag on a post from jakandjilblog ( but i completely forgot to post about it until today.

you gotta love this bag. it's the most adorably, trendy little thing. i know it's a little weird looking and may not fit a whole lot of stuff in it, but look at it! it's simply marvelous. i can totally see a bunch of trendy hipsters carrying this bag around to concerts or whatnot. or even little rich youngsters carrying these off to school or to the mall. i want one so badly but i doubt i'll ever be able to get my hands on one. i can't imagine what the price tag on one of these little darlings is like. oh well. one day maybe.

until than however, i'm hoping to make my own triceratops handbag. i found a diy on a website recently as i was looking for photos of the bag to post on the blog. here's the link to the diy:

it's rather brilliant actually. i hope to make one following these instructions very soon. i'll post right away once i'm finished!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

urban renewal grommet denim vest.

i bought this vest from urban outfitters on sunday and i absolutely love it. i think it's my favourite purchase of the year so far! it was so cheap. the original price was $100 and the marked down price was $19.99! but when i got to the cash, the lady ended up charging me only $10 for the vest! i couldn't believe my luck. i think it was fate.

the vest is part of uo's urban renewal line. for those of you who do not know what this means, the line basically consists of clothes that the people at uo redesign into a brand new product that they can sell. in this case, they took a vintage levi's jean jacket, cut the sleeves off, made it into the vest, gave it a raw edge finish, and stuck some grommets onto the shoulders and back. so cute, right? now it's so modern and edgy. i wear it over my hoodies and flannel tops.


Monday, March 15, 2010

coco before chanel

watched coco before chanel tonight with some friends and loooooved it from start to finish. actually, to be honest, i didn't like the ending but whatever. i think i didn't like it because i liked the movie so much that i never wanted it to end. but every movie has to end, right? ok, i'm babbling now. LET'S TALK CLOTHES!

white quarter length shirts with black stripes, wide fit, high neckline. show off a bit of shoulder, but not off the shoulder.
trousers, black, beige, brown, white.
shapeless dresses
straw hats
black mens fitted blazers
riding suits
white dress shirts with black buttons

the movie basically consisted of audrey tautou as coco chanel in simply these outfits and nothing else. she made everything look good, simple, effortless, lovely. her body is just so perfect for the clothes. thin, long neck, slender body, beautiful arms, very structured face. she pulled off boys clothes better than any boy out there. she's just so darn classy. she just screams classclassclassclassclass! i can't say enough about her. i could go on and on and on.


stop me now!


weekend haul.

sunday was a pretty boring, plain day. weather was shitty, yet again but at least it wasn't raining. with the clocks changed an hour, the day was wasting away and i really wanted to do something. going by queen street, i decided to make a swing by the beloved black market, infamous for their never-ending sale of everything for only $10, WHICH IS THE BEST.

i spent under an hour in there, and tried on a handful of items. i came out with 3 pretty good buys for under $35: an oversized sweater for the upcoming spring weather, a lovely girly lace top (i <3 lace) which doubles as a vest because it buttons all the way up at the back, and a nice simple black purse with a gold chain. i don't know why but i've always loved purses with gold chains. they make me think of chanel purses, something i will never ever be able to own myself :)

also, when i was buying my h&m dress for the ballet on friday, i quickly slipped inside of forever21 because i noticed the crowds that were pushing their way through the store from the windows outside. i came out getting this top for under $30. it's a size large but i like the oversized, baggy fit of it. i looooove the sleeves. i just love baggy, drapey sleeves. i have no idea why.

on saturday i had an appointment at the apple store because of a problem with my beloved macbook. once i was done there, i decided to buy a pair of spring boots from Spring. my flats that i had been wearing all weekend long had holes in the toes and heels and if anyone was in toronto for the weekend, they know that my poor feet suffered dearly. i ended up freezing my poor feet and throwing out a pair of tights from tearing holes in them. the second i got out of Spring, i threw my flats into my purse and headed out with my new boots on, a proud smile plastered to my face.

they're really, really adorable. shiny, black, laceups with a bit of a heel and a nice, easy zipper on the side for easy access. they were fairly expensive though. $69.99 plus a waterproof/shine wax which was $8. altogether, i spent about $79 but i think they're worth it.

no more spending or eating outside for pema from now until the school year is over. no worries though. only a month to go :)
