Thursday, January 20, 2011

top secret news!

i am quite excited about my latest find. lately i've been trying very desperately to save the very little amount of money that i have but it just so happens that i have a real event to attend this month. this obviously meant that i needed something new and wonderful to wear. i searched endlessly but could not find something that i was deeply in love with. if i was going to spend my hard earned money, it had to be spent on something absolutely divine, AND IT WAS!

i recently received an email from the happy people over at urban outfitters that they were putting further merch on sale apart from what was already picked up during the craziness of boxing week.i picked up this lovely whirlwind dress by minimarket which was originally priced at $180 CAN on sale for $49.99. it's a size 34 so it ends below my knees even though it's supposed to be above the knee, but i like the way it sits presently on my awkward frame.

the really interesting bit is the 'whirl' section of the dress in the front. i cannot find the words to describe what it actually looks like but it basically has a twist in the front. please visit the uo website and zoom in on the whirl so you can get a better idea of what i mean. i suck at describing complicated things -_-

all i need now is some chunky jewelery and some wonderful heels to wear and i should be all set! class starts shortly so i must hurry off. enjoy my post. love xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I am totally intrigued to see you in a size 34! We need pics!

